Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Chiropractic Care

“Stress” is unavoidable, so let Chiropractic care improve your ability to handle it.

Heart Rate Variability (HRV)  is a measure of your body’s ability to handle stress, called “autonomic balance.” Think of autonomic balance like a teeter totter, with our “stress response system” on one side (sympathetic) and our “relaxation response system” on the other end (parasympathetic).

Ideally, we’d want the teeter to be swung more towards the “relaxation” end.

Unfortunately, many of us who end up with chronic back or neck pain, end up swinging closer to the “stress” end 

“How do we teeter back towards relaxation time?” Great question!

A chiropractic adjustment.

Adjustments have been shown to improve your autonomic balance & increase HRV over time - meaning your body is more adaptable and changes can be noticeable after your first adjustment!

If you’re ready to teeter over to the “relaxation side,” give us a call at 651-905-8272.